const wchar_t* char2wchar(const char* indata); otherwise I have to rewrite my program adding some temporary char or wchars variables in all places I before just sent pointers forward as parameters. Regards, Patrik Sep 12, 2017 · In a simple program we declare a char and a wchar_t variable. We initialize them using some values. And we display the output using cout. char value=55, will output 7. It will output the char value that corresponds to decimal 55. char value=41, will output ), for the same reason. char value='g', will output g. It will output the character g. @Mehrdad: It is not necessarily 2. It is implementation-defined. If programming on Windows, it has a size of two bytes and holds UTF-16, with double wchar_t's for surrogate pairs. – Benoit Jan 28 '11 at 8:25